Everything in your life is connected.
We all know the song Head Shoulders Knees and Toes as a silly way for our toddlers to learn the basic parts of the body. But let’s take this song and apply it to life. Does it still work? Is everything really all connected?
As we approach this holiday season missing one of our major players in our family; Robert’s father Richard, we are starting to get a little sadder, a little more nostalgic. We’re also a bit achier, some old ailments are starting to flare up. Could this be connected, a coincidence or maybe simply the cooler weather?
Stress is looming in us all, at varying levels. Put there by the challenges of life and cleared away by our positive healthy routines of eating right, exercising and meditating. When routines slip, emotions are left un-checked and your mental and physical stress begins to build and your body starts manifesting disease.
Stress is the biggest pre-curser to all of this. As specific hormones levels in the body start to rise throwing off your homeostasis and sending your body into panic mode. This stress can look like fretting about financials during the holidays, worrying about family interactions, desperately trying to keep the house clean for guests, watching the scale tick up as you eat all the treats. Or it can look like grieving the loss of a loved one, the physical exertion from hanging holiday decorations, the busy schedule of holiday events or even panic if the turkey isn’t dethawed. The point is that stress can look like a lot of different things and stress doesn’t always have to be negative. A simple busy schedule running from one thing to the next doesn’t allow your body to decompress, relax and recover from all of the input.
When we stress good or bad, our body reacts both physically can mentally. Symptoms can include: fatigue,, headaches, muscle tension, restlessness, trouble sleeping, chest pain, grumpiness or anger and sadness and depression. When these manifest, its puts more physical strain on our bodies leading to higher rates of injuries and build up of inflammation. And inflammation leads to disease.
To keep the stress from reaching from our heads to our shoulders and down to our knees and toes we can implement a few simple steps.
With these tactics you can keep the stress down and keep your head, shoulders, knees and toes all in order. Because life is all connected. Our body is directly connected to our mind, physically and emotionally. Our bodies are connected to the environments in which we live. Keep those connections healthy to keep your stress at bay to live life to the fullest, disease free and connected.
November 2023 ©BeSTRONGERFitness
50% Complete
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