Happy New Year 🥳 January 2024

New Year Goals

Are they worth making?



Happy New Year!

It is a new calendar year, and we are all starting fresh. Or are we?


We often take this time, the turning of a calendar year, to set new goals to make resolutions,

long lists of things to achieve in the new year. The question remains if this is even worth it, as

many of us never make it past the first month with goals still in hand. So is it? Are setting new

goals at the turning of the calendar worth it?

I flip flop back and forth, as ANY TIME is a great time to re-evaluate and set new goals. Why

wait for the year to change? If we are committed to making a change, start today! Any day! As

action today is better than a plan for tomorrow. But in the end, I do make New Year goals,

they might not be what you’re thinking though.

I start very typically, making a list either on paper or in my head of what I want to accomplish

this next year, what I want my life to look like at the end of the year. The list may look like this

(in no particular order):

  1. Run a ½ marathon
  2. Spend more focused time on the business
  3. Value the time with the girls, 1:1 focus
  4. Make more home cooked meals, enjoy the process
  5. Monthly date nights with Robert

From there, we need actionable items (i.e., fix back to run again, set weekly schedule for work, define “hard stop” on work to make time for kids and meal prep…). This list can be long or short, specific or general. The idea is to get all the thoughts out of your head and on to paper. Really defining what you’re looking to accomplish and what will take you there. You can break this down even farther into weekly or monthly goals if you like.

My final step is to take these lists, look at them and then find a common theme. What is one word or sentence that is my focus for 2024. For me, it’s “Living on purpose”. I’m taking 2024 to live on purpose. The decisions I make (either food, workouts, or finances) will be done with intention, with purpose. If I focus on living my life more intentionally, not just going through the motions, my desires will rise to the surface because each decision I make is made with thought and purpose.  

Now, you’ve seen my process, get out that paper and pen and start brainstorming your way into 2024! What will be your phrase or word to focus on in the new year?

We’d love to hear, share your 2024 word with us and everyone. Inspiration and motivation comes from all kinds of places. You may be the motivation someone needs.


January 2024 ©BeSTRONGERFitness


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