12 Days of Health 🌲 December 2023

12 Days of Health

Making it through the holidays.


The holidays have hit us full swing and for some reason they all revolve around food! I mean is anything really better than a homemade pie? No, so, I totally get it. But how are we ever going to survive the holiday season without gaining weight from the food or the missed workouts due to all the extra scheduled holiday events?

We have out together some easy steps for you to follow to add to your toolbelt during the holiday season. 

  1. Prioritize your workouts. Sounds simple, but when we get busy, we often give up the things that take more effort and energy and convince ourselves we need to “rest”. Let me be the first to tell you that is FALSE! Your workout will energize you through the day, it will pump up your body and push it along. By foregoing your workout, your body slows and enters the slug stage, were it moves extremely slow.
  2. Take a walk, a weighted walk. When you start feeling stressed about the holidays and the events surrounding them, throw on your weighted vest and take a walk. The fresh air, movement and sunshine will be just the thing to boost your mood. Take this walk alone or invite your friends and family to join.
  3. Surround yourself with loved ones. This can be family or friends, whomever brings you the most joy. Hold those folks close this holiday season and rely on them to help you through the chaos.
  4. Stay hydrated. Water, people, water! We are all probably a bit chronically dehydrated which leads to so many other issues. Issues that are already compounded in the winter. Think dry skin, poor digestion, and brittle nails. Be sure to get enough water throughout the day. Sip on room temperature water instead of extinguishing your digestive fire with a cup of ice water.
  5. Shop early and smart. The stress that comes from finding the perfect gift can be a killer. Add in the crowds and traffic and man we are just packing on the pounds stressing away. Make lists, be strategic and remember most people would LOVE a homemade gift or something simple. Consumerism has taken over and we need to remember the real reason we gift give, to express love. So, make sure your gift giving is simple to reflect that.
  6. Avoid all the treats. The holidays are filled with home baked treats and office parties. This season, say yes to some treats and no to others. By selecting your treats wisely, you won’t over do the sweets and extra calories.
  7. Sleep! Sound simple, but we tend to extend ourselves at both ends of the day during the holidays. Make your sleep a priority and aim for 6-8 hours a night. You’ll be more rested and ready to focus the next day.
  8.   Meditation has shown to lower stress levels, lower blood pressure and heart rate. All of which increase during the hustle and bustle of the holiday season. Take five minutes (or more) a day to sit quietly and focus on your breath. Utilizing the mantra so-hum will allow you to become aware of your thoughts and then able to slow them.
  9. Add in the fiber. A trick we like to use in our house is not to deprive ourselves of the treats but add in some fiber with them. If you like to have a cookie after diner add in some apple slices. The fiber will slow the absorption of the sugar into the blood and increase satiety leading to a decrease in mindless snacking.
  10. Start a gratitude journal. Feeling gratitude is a wonderful feeling that plays out in more ways than thanking your family member for a present. By bring awareness to our gratitude we start to see all the areas in our lives that are taken for granted but are really a blessing. By journaling our gratitude our mood increases, and stress lessens. Just five minutes a day to write down three things that you are grateful for that day can make a huge difference.
  • Get involved. Your community needs you, year around. Take this holiday season to get involved. The community you live in is an extended part of you. The more you put into it the more you will get in return. I’m not talking about tangible, material things but the love and support that our community can provide. The connection made can last a lifetime and the efforts you put in can change a life forever.
  • Have fun! This is the holiday season after all. It is a time to enjoy the festivities, the community and your friends and family. Take time to lower your stress and see the beauty the holiday season provides.

By using these simple tips your holiday season will go smoothly, you’ll decrease your stress and in turn stay healthy! Remember movement is life and the holidays are about connecting!

Have a wonderful Holiday Season!


December 2023 ©BeSTRONGERFitness


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