$199.00 USD

We appreciate your selection of TOA as your continued education provider. We expect you to make and educated decision when selecting TOA, therefore no refunds will be issued and CEUs only issued if event is attended.

Release of Liability

In consideration of gaining access to participate in activities associated with TrainingTheOlderAdult.com (TOA), I hereby waive, release, and forever discharge TOA and its officers, agents, employees, representatives, executors, and all others from any and all responsibilities or liability for injuries or damages resulting from my participation in any actives in said program.    

I understand the policies and procedures set forth by TOA and I have had the opportunity to discuss my specific needs in relation to participatory activity; as a result, I do voluntarily request the right to participate in this preventative program of exercise.  

Also, in consideration of the above factors, I acknowledge the existence of risk in connection with these activities, assume such risk, and agree to accept the responsibilities for any injuries sustained by my participation in the course via the use of the facilities and or its equipment. Most specifically, I acknowledge and accept responsibility for injuries arising out of these activities that involve risk in any of the following areas:

  • In Person Training with TOA
  • Online Training with TOA

In addition, it was recommended that I consult with a physician before engaging in any physical activity.  

Having read the preceding, I acknowledge full understanding of those risks set forth herein and knowingly agree to accept full responsibility for my own exposures to such risks and to waive full responsibility and liability on behalf of TOA.

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Eccentric Training for the Older Adult

You're about to join our Spring virtual clinic. This clinic will be released on March 23rd.

With the release of in-depth eccentric training research coming into the industry over the last three years or so, we at TOA have taken full advantage of this great content and put together some amazing programming that has made our clients extremely strong all while reducing their risk of injury. Join us for a in-depth looking into the world of eccentric training for older adults, including our eight (8) week training program and a small exercise library that features our favorite eccentric style training lifts. PLUS!!! - a full chapter on fly wheel training and why Robert LOVES it so freaking much!! 

This is an online clinic. It is pre recorded for your viewing on your schedule. NSCA CEUs will be issued. These are accepted by ALL major certifying organizations with a petition in the personal/professional development section. You access to this course expires in 4 month from purchase date or 3/23 whichever is later.